Making a point.

The world is full of point making. Everybody is always trying to get their point across; converstaions, arguments, even in art itself.
Art must make a point, start a conversation, grab attention, demand emotion, cause arguments, making points is what the world is full of, and art makes a point.
When I make art, I do so because it makes me feel better, it calms my anxiety, and makes me feel like my day wasn’t just compiled of 11 hours straight of binge watching YouTube videos. It gives me my purpose. However, what I paint, and why, fails to have a point to make in the first place.
Why did I choose that purple?
What is this composition saying?
Does the way I hold my brush influence the point I’m trying to make?
Is blue a good choice?
Maybe I’ll just make up a vague answer, if anybody asks.
Can you be an artist, and not have anything to say?
I feel like as an artist, I really should be making some sort of point. Shouldn’t my art be saying something? Anything? At the very least.
Am I emulating happy here?
What about mental health? I have mental health!
Maybe overdone.
They use such big words; language that seems to fill the air, almost too much to say, but nothing can be grasped. Words I only hope to use one day, fail me in this moment. What am I trying to fucking say, with this fucking piece of paper and this fucking pen?!